Tigreal AD-Tanky Build


Tigreal have good skills. You first of all learn to Tigreal’s skills. Then understand the must be durable. I will show AD-Tanky Tigreal items. Take good position and always look the map. You will survive the long team figths and you have damage for finish the game.

Hey! Don’t forget, you can click item name. For information about the item, just click the item name.

Let start:

Tigreal AD-Tanky Build

Firstly get this item:

Crazed Reaper


Warrior Boots


Brute Force Breastplate

Then buy this item:



Bloodthirsty King

Finally get this item:

Blade of Despair

You can sell your boots, when the late game.

If you will sell your boots, then buy this item:

for AD-Magic Resist-Shield:

Magic Blade

for More AD:

Wind Chaser

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Thx for everything 🙂

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