Surviving Marksman – Yi Sunshin Guide

Mobile Legends Surviving Marksman Yi Sunshin Guide

Popular champion in Mobile Legends Yi Sunshin! People are playing so much this champ, let’s do the nice guide about him. This general Yi Sunshin build is from “Akre” thank you for sharing 🙂 You can ask what you want, we will answer you.

Yi Sunshin is categorized as a marksman in Mobile Legends. However, above that, he is also a fighter, and a support. He has good mobility, good skill range and a global ult. He can engage in a teamfight when farming ten miles away from teammates, and he can clean a wave easily. His weakness, however, is his basic attack damage. It is too low for a marksman.

Surviving Marksman – Yi Sunshin Guide

Skill Tips and Skill Combination Tips

Yi Sunshin is a hero who rely on his skills a lot.

1st skill: One Wave Sweep

When Yi is not on his boat, (most of the time) his 1st ability does not do much damage. This ability is to dash back/forward and slow the enemy down. As I said, Yi has great mobility, so using this skill effectively can doge from enemies, and chase enemies when avaliable. A turtle boat will respawn at the base every 2 minutes. When with boat, using this skill will stun the enemy. This is very effective when the enemies are near the inner tower. Many come backs in the late game are coming from this. If the enemy mage or marksman has been stunned by the boat, there is no way they are going to survive from this.

2nd skill: Blood Floods

Personally, I think this skill is even more OP than layla’s ult, because of the slow and low cd. Using this skill can clean a wave easily, and can poke enemy in a teamfight. However, if the enemy started running already, it is very hard to use this skill to finish the last shot because you will move very slow when charging. In this case, use 1st skill to dash forward or use ult will have a better result.

3rd skill: Mountain Shocker

This is a global ult, and will effect all surviving enemies. You can use ult whenever you see a team fight takes place, and you can easily get an assist, or even a kill. In a team fight, when you see an enemy is low and running back, you can use ult and hopefully you can get a kill.

Yi Sunshin Skill Combination

As a marksman, there are not too many combination. Each skill works individually.

Yi Sunshin Skill Leveling Order Information

  • Blood Floods
  • One Wave Sweep
  • Blood Floods
  • Mountain Shocker
  • Blood Floods
  • One Wave Sweep
  • Blood Floods
  • Mountain Shocker
  • Blood Floods
  • One Wave Sweep
  • Blood Floods
  • Mountain Shocker
  • One Wave Sweep
  • One Wave Sweep
  • One Wave Sweep

Max 2nd skill first, and choose ult when available.

Yi Sunshin Battle Spell

  • Retribution – To farm a lot faster. Most marksman with high mobility will choose retribution.
  • Heal – In early game, you might have a little bit mana shortage, if you don’t want to waste your money to buy necklace, use heal spell.

Yi Sunshin Recommended Build

  • Hunters Knife – Enable to farm and get to level 4 as fast as you can, sell when level 13+.
  • Wizard Boots – When you are at level 4, you will be able to have wizard boots if you didn’t miss any jungle or minions. Having wizard boots will give you extra gold when having an assists. At this time, when there is a team fight happen, such as mid laner go gank bot, or an ally trying to cut lane, you use your ult to help the team, and get assists. if you get 6 assists before late game, you will have 300 extra gold, which will be half an item.
  • Blade of 7 Seas – (deadly blade if there is an estes or rafaela in enemy side). When you buy blade of 7 seas, you are still at a stage of farming, but your ult will bring more to the team. You can crowd help your teammates more using your ult.
  • Demon Hunter Sword – This is the time when you start engage in the team fight directly. You will deal a significant amount of damage CONSISTENTLY BY THAT.
  • Windtalker – It will give you more mobility and attack speed be more flexible when dealing with enemy assassins.
  • Berserkers Fury – This gives you more critical attack, more basic attack damage. It’s insane.
  • Blade of Despair – Hardly no marksman will disregard this item.
  • Rapid BootsSwift Boots – you no longer need gold for assists any more. so why don’t you change your boots then. I recommend swift boots because it increase your extra attack speed.

3 heroes that go well with Yi Sunshin

  • Tigreal – Tigreal has insane crowd control. If tigreal and a mage are in bot, and Yi is at top. When all of them is at level 4, with the help of mid laner, there will be a greater chance to take the out bot tower. Also, in a team fight, if Tigreal push the enemy backwards towards you, you can use sword instead of arrow to deal more damage.
  • Grock – Grock and Yi sunshin duo lane will be the fastest wave cleaner. Grock can also protect Yi by his wall.
  • Estes – You might think I am kidding, but it is true that estes can slow the enemies pretty well. That gives Yi time  to charge his 2nd skill.

3 heroes that Yi Sunshin counters

  • Natalia – Yi sunshin is the natural counter of natalia. Natalia’s position will be shown on the map every time Yi casts his ult.
  • Odette – Yi can simply doge odette’s ult and crowd control. Odette has zero mobility so there is no way odette will survive Yi in the mid game.
  • Estes – If Yi has deadly blade with him, Estes can literally heal nobody in the team when yi use his ult.

3 heroes that counters Yi Sunshin

  • Karina – It only take 3 seconds for karina to boost, so early game Yi’s ult can’t actually hit karina.
  • Fanny – Although Yi has great mobility, but compare to Fanny, Yi is a little kid.
  • Layla – I said before Yi’s 2nd skill is better than layla’s ult. But in late game Layla’s damage is much greater than Yi’s

Yi Sunshin Conclusion

Yi is not a typical ADC. In fact, he is a supportive ADC. He might not be the main damage source in the team as other marksman, especially in late games, but he can bring a lot to his team. Casting his ult will not only help a team fight, but also show the position of enemy assassins. Using Yi Sunshin will not require a lot of controlling skill, but will require map awareness.

Hope this helps, thank you for reading.

from “Akre“!

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