Hi everyone, there is a new hero Harley, the Mage Genius! Hero Balancing, Item Adjustments, System Adjustments, Bug fixes! All news and details here.
Mobile Legends Patch Notes 1.2.04
New Hero: Harley, Magic Genius
Powerful and Genius Mage Harley! One of the new hero from Mobile Legends! Let’s learn details about Harley, skins, story and of course skills! You can learn more => Click
Hero Balancing
Improved the synchronization between attack animations & special effects for all melee heroes
To allow for more freedom in battling, all battle skills can now be used during chanting or releasing of a hero skill, and no longer limited to just Flicker.
1. Basic attack damage of Nether Snare adjusted from 530+70*skill level to 480+70*skill level.
2. Puppets duration of Cursed Oath adjusted from 12/16/20s to 20s for all levels.
Cursed Oath is Vexana’s most distinctive skill – however we found that during actual battles, especially in the early game, the puppets do not have the impact that we expected. Therefore we have adjusted the puppets duration time, hopefully this can make them more effective. We also found that Nether Snare’s hit difficulty was easier than expected when first designed, therefore we have slightly decreased its basic damage to balance out its control difficulty & benefits when used.
Zhao Yun
Spear Flip: Can now directly intercept the target hero when they teleport. This removes the possiblity of target user telelporting far away then gets carried back.
Triple Sweep: fixed the issue where HP value is shown out of place after using ULT to knock an enemy hero airborne.
Light of Retribution: Now after making a hit on an enemy hero, you can temporarily get a view of the target.
Improved Clint’s display animations
Improved Nana’s in-game voice & sound effects
Improved Balmond’s in-game voice & sound effects
New Events – New Features
1. In-game streaming — newly added Live Channel function
a. Added new live stream menu window on the host UI, where hosts can see messages left by other users. The window will also lead directly into the Live Channel
b. Before users watch a live stream, they will first enter the Live Channel of the host. Within the live Channel, users can check the host info and live stream status, chat with the host, as well as return to the Live Channel after a battle ends to wait for the next battle by the host.
2. Competitions — newly added Match Guess function
a. Watch the competitions & take part in Match Guess, win Guess Points which can be redeemed for greater prizes!
b. During MSC competition period, redeem and get a permanent MSC memorabilia avatar frame.
3. Friends Recall Event
Dear users, do you still remember what it felt like when you played Mobile Legends for the first time? Do you remember what it was like fighting alongside your buddies in the Land of Dawn? If your old friends are still around, then they are waiting for you to return!
Very soon, we will be starting up our “Friends Recall Event”. Returning old users who meet the set criteria will be able to collect log-in bonuses from the events page.
At the same time, you can also invite other old friends to return to the Land of Dawn, battle with them and get points to redeem further prizes.
Battle Equipment – Skills Adjustment
Battle Equipment Adjustment
1. Windtalker: For the unique passive “Typhoon” in this equipment set, fixed issues where the same target will receive multiple blows when less than 3 targets are present.
Battlefield Adjustment
1. Golem: adjusted his birth location, moving him closer to the nest of the Golem.
Battlefield UI Optimization
1. Further improved the battle settlement UI and battlefield real-time data UI.
2. Further improved the battlefield Shop UI, making it more in line with the new UI style.
3. Optimized the color of the On Sale button in the battlefield Shop page, making it more visible.
System Adjustment
1. YouTube live stream optimizations:
a. Now adjusted to a round camera view, whose size can be adjusted in Live Stream Settings page.
b. Fixed the loading bug when microphone is first activated.
2. Added shortcut button to copy and paste user name in the Personal Info menu, users can now copy and paste user names onto clipboard.
3. Improved the rules & explanations page for “Summer Mode”, making it more appealing and easier to read.
4. Added division information in Ranked Mode & Room for forming a team.
5. In Settings, when selecting high, mid, low resolution, a 2nd confirmation window will appear, to let users know what effects will be lost when switching between the various resolutions.
6. Added new prizes for the first 3 teams in Top Squad Ranking, where “King’s Crown”, “Duke’s Scepter” & “Knight’s Cross” will have additional special effects in the avatar frames, making them more glamorous and eye catching, adequately reflecting the abilities of the winning teams.
7. Added Summer Avatar Frame as the prize for officially selected artwork in our Summer Cosplay competition.
Bug Fix
1. Fixed bug where the last chat message repeats endlessly on screen when user enters Public Chat.
2. Fixed bug in Ranked Mode, where default skin is shown even when heroes wear a different skin into the battle.
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