Natalia is an assassin in Mobile Legends. Okay then how to play with Natalia but this is also important what items should we buy? Eventually, Natalia is a assassin, we should buy AD items. Then little Tanky is not bad for long team fights. You can comment the items 🙂
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Natalia High Damage Build
Firstly buy this item,
Buy this item:
You can sell your boots, when the late game.
If you will sell your boots, then buy this item:
It’s gonna work on the Mobile Legends. Please don’t forget to comment.
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Thx for everything 🙂
It looks nice but I don’t like it so much, why does Natalia need so much mov. speed? She’s already fast in stealth form + when she is in combat and enemy try to runs you can just use your first skill. 😀
Boots re important cose others players ll be faster, so first skill sceond skill and again first(or twice a time first skill before second, when player re to far) not may sure to catch someone in trap. On end when u ve team fights u change boots on armor to make some tank for longer fights.
In my opinion better is life steal to take when u have high damage but I dont ve idea what change in set.
Thanks for yours suggest if u answer me.